The Power of Crystals

Okay, so why are stones getting so much hype these days?

Well, while stones have been rising in popularity across social media and wellness circles, crystals have been a HUGE star and focus in human culture for thousands of years.

How could they not be - they’re gorgeous, they spark big, mystical feelings, and they’re literally the veins of the Earth.

We have seen stones adorned across cultures by royalty, priests, warriors, and mystics as amulets, representation of power & knowledge, and even used in healing.

The Sumerians purportedly used crystals in their magical formulas 6000 years ago. Ancient Egyptians mined for crystals and used them to make jewelry. Crystals or gemstones were also used in practice, for their metaphysical properties. Specifically, they used crystals as aids for health and protection.

For countless ages, healers, sages, and ancient societies have sought the profound healing essence within crystals.

And it’s no wonder; when you hold a quartz in your hand and ponder how the earth made this beautiful specimen through only heat, pressure, and time… you can’t help but stand in awe. The variety of colors and striations in stones fascinates; each offering a different quality and even sensory/feeling experience. I understand why they were revered by the ancients; they’re a unique form of nature that sparks wonder and a sense of mystery.

These luminous stones - extracted from the earth's most mystical realms - continue to weave their magic in our modern world. In a practical sense, they make computers, phones, communication possible… and in a more ethereal sense, they offer curiosity & awe. Even offering the support of healing to the body, mind, and soul to any who are brave enough to welcome the connection & possibility.

How Do ‘Healing’ Crystals Work?

Why there is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence that crystal healing has any affect, I like to think of crystals as a conduit; a potential gateway. They can shift our perspective, therefore our mind, and therefore how we interact with the world. Psychologist Richard Wiseman “It is suggestive that the power of crystals is in the mind instead of in the crystals.” While Dr. Kim notes that crystals, like us, have vibrational frequencies, and that working with similar tones of crystal and human vibration, might help with alignment for healing.

Crystals can offer us a reminder and perspective shift. Even if you don’t believe in all the metaphysical properties of stones, you could place a stone on your mantel, or wear a ring, to remind yourself whenever looking at it, to offer yourself a moment of self love and care. Stanford researchers acknowledge mindset's role in health, reinforcing crystal healing's potential impact.

What are ways to Utilize Healing Crystals?

  1. Meditating With Them:

    Holding or gazing at a crystal during meditation can serve as a focal point and grounding tool. Certain stones also, metaphysically speaking, invite closer connection to the divine, god, and promote chakra alignment and inner peace. Mala’s are also a traditional meditation tool made of 108 stone beads to support you in mantra repetition. There are many ways to work with stones in our seated meditation practice.

  2. Adorning or Wearing them:

    Wearing certain stones can serve as a reminder or even amulet for ourself. Whether needing a perspective shift on self love (wear rose quartz at the heart) or you’re trying to step into inner-knowing (wear labradorite earrings) find a piece of jewelry that calls to you and reminds you to invite that idea/mantra/intention. Wearing stones can be a fun & powerful practice.

  3. Decorating with Them:

    Crystals in our home decor not only look deliciously fabulous around the house, they also enhance feng shui, offer protection, and can help support communication and interactions in communal spaces. I find that having plants AND stones in a house boost it toward a more vibrant and healthy space.

  4. Spa and Wellness Use:

    Crystals in spa treatments illustrate their diverse roles in wellness practices. Some folks welcome crystal grid healing or pair stone work with reiki. Heated stones are commonly used in massage work; I love to bathe with certain stones for certain intentions and new moons. However stones might be used, I find intention & intuition vital in working with them. **If ever bathing with stones, make sure they’re clean, chemical free, and be sure they’re safe**

The important thing to remember when working with stones, is to not over think it & listen to your gut.

Yes, do some research, and continue to learn about their properties, origin, and their history…. AND know that stone work is an invitation to let go of the bossy mind and trust your intuition. Notice - what stone draws your eye in? How does it feel in your hand? How do you envision yourself using/working with this stone?

These felt sensory experiences are subtle but HUGE. We dismiss these little messages of inner knowing too often, when really… those little messages are our intuition nudging us. Telling us to move toward some decision, idea, practice that will support us as we expand into the biggest most beautiful version of ourselves.


  1. First, connect with an intention you want to bring into this practice, I.E. “I want to release this constant guilt I feel whenever I take care of myself”

  2. After you find your intention, see if you can make a mantra of it, I.E. “I release guilt and welcome self-care”

  3. Repeating this mantra, find a stone from your collection that speaks to this mantra - trust your intuition.

  4. Find a quiet and comfortable place for you to lay down; you can set a timer for anywhere from 5-30 minutes (I find timers helpful so you can release into the practice)

  5. Gently place the stone on either your 3rd chakra, heart chakra, or third eye - trust your intuition.

  6. Start this practice by grounding; first notice the sounds in the room, then notice the sound of your breath, notice your body breathing, then draw your awareness to all points of contact between your body and Earth.

  7. Then begin to invite a deeper inhale and exhale; witness the rise and fall of your belly. Stay here for at least 2 minutes.

  8. Then, slowly draw your awareness to where your stone is; visualize your breath starting to flow there. Allow the Inhale and exhale to flow in and out where your stone is. Start to welcome your mantra - either out loud of silently.

  9. Breathe and Repeat for several minutes; allow your awareness to rest on the breath, stone, and mantra. See if you might invite deeper relaxation with each exhale, surrendering to this practice of receving breath, mantra, and stone’s energy.

  10. When the timer goes off, don't just hop up. Notice any sensations in your body, Slowly roll to your side and come up. Notice sounds, breath, temperature of the air. Free journal if you feel called to do so.


Presence - The Nectar of Life


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