Rituals Guide & Journal
“Every day is an opportunity to live in gentle awe and sacred connection to the small moments & tasks that make up our lives.”
— Brooke

What is Reiki & How It Changed My Life
Reiki is a powerful, yet subtle, hands on healing modality. Read about its origins, benefits, and what to expect in a session. Reach out to practitioner and Little Rituals owner, Brooke German, to ask questions and book a session

Ostara - Welcoming Renewal & Balance
Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, is a time to welcome rituals & practices that offer us renewal, balance, and seeding of life as the Earth reawakens with spring.

Developing Daily Rituals
What is a ritual, and how would I welcome one into my daily life?
I get asked this a lot, and while folks often envision something hugely ceremonious filled with smoke and sacrifice… little rituals can actually be found most anywhere you look for them.
A ritual can be likened to a routine - we do it often, it provides structure… yet a ritual is far different than any daily routine…

Curating Your Sacred Space
A sacred space is a personal haven and spiritual sanctuary. It’s a point of connection and cultivation, for dreams, desires, and soul.
There is no right or wrong with how we curate our sacred space; many folks call their sacred space their “altar” or it could be a favorite reading nook with a space for sacred items.
Whatever titled, theses sacred places are often adorned with items that reflect our current life journey, the season, ancestors, candles, incense, trinquets, mantras, symbols that are important to us, and tools that invoke discernment, connection, and reflection within ourselves.

The Power of Crystals
For countless ages, healers, sages, and ancient societies have sought the profound healing essence within crystals.
Across every corner of the globe, the use of crystal healing has been utilized and welcomed; these luminous stones - extracted from the earth's most mystical realms - continue to weave their magic, offering healing to the body, mind, and soul in the present moment.

What is Sound Meditation?
Sound Meditation is an offering I’ve been sharing for over 4 years; it’s a wonderful and accessible practice that is meant to evoke relaxation, self-expansion, and even healing. It traditionally takes place in a group setting and is truly a unique, immersive, and sensory experience.
Participants create their “nest’ as I call it - usually in some kind of supported savasana position to help them unwind their physical body and better receive the soundscapes.