"Why & when should I cleanse my crystals?"

"Why & when should I cleanse my crystals?"

Depending on your use, cleansing your crystals can be as essential as brushing your teeth!

Stones form from minerals over time via heat & pressure - a crystallization process that results in distinct ordered structure. Yet, the stone making process is not perfect; there are often empty spaces (missing or substituted atoms) within the crystalline lattice, and these spaces can collect energetic debris or be cleansed with an intention. They're just like the spaces in between your teeth!

Cleansing my crystals has been a part of my ritual practice for many years now. I first started by only working with the full moon or sometimes the sun... but over the years, I've expanded and shifted how I cleanse & charge my stones. Here are a few tips I've collected & practiced:


I was taught and have experienced how intention is key in cleansing your stones. The energy behind your intention is essential in cleansing. Setting an intention, "I am clearing this stone because ____"  also brings clarity & direction in your cleansing ritual.


Juniper, sage, cedar, rosemary, and sweetgrass are often used in smoke bathing.

I like to ask, what's in my backyard? I've been taught by crystal workers, and herbalists, the power in using plants native to your area/heritage and that you've watched grow. And this ritual doesn't take much... light a single leaf & gently envelope your stone in smoke as you declare your intention. This is a simple yet powerful practice.


Whether using tap water or living water, bathing your crystals doesn't just physically cleanse them - it cleanses them energetically. I'm blessed to be near the ocean, but the use of creek or tap water works. Feel free to add salt & leave the stones in water overnight. *Be mindful that certain stones disintegrate or don't do well in water*


Moonlight can cleanse stones, but is especially potent for charging. The moon is associated with feminine energy, emotion, 2nd & 4th & 6th chakra. If dealing with emotional needs/wounds, transitions, matters of the heart - place your crystals in the soft moonlight to charge.

Sunlight is a GREAT charger for crystals (be mindful that direct sunlight can lighten crystals - be mindful of length of exposure) Associated with masculine energy, yang, 1st, 3rd, and 5th chakra... charge crystals to help in work situations, speaking your truth, grounding, security, etc.


I've only done this particular cleanse a few times. It's a powerful method for a stone in deep need of cleansing. This is often a lengthier process, or may even be a practice of returning the stone to its original home - Earth. If this is a practice that is calling you, ask Mama Earth where this stone is being called to. Leave it buried for at least a month for potent work.

There are so many ways to tend to your crystals - it just takes intention. I've been a stone collector since my youth, but my knowledge and energetic relationship with stones has blossomed over time.

By studying AND working intentionally with crystals - whether via grids, intention setting, moon rituals, placing on body, etc - my knowledge and understanding of stones has gently grown. 

You can do the same. PLAY. Explore. What are you currently drawn to?


Get curious.

Tap into your intuition... and think about how these stones are their own beings (yes. they truly are!)

As with all things in life... cnce you build a relationship & give reverence to a stone - you will be sure to feel it reciprocated back. 


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